Central Asia


K and M

K and M spent several years as members of Third before moving to Central Asia in 2016. It’s their privilege to serve in an international church alongside several former members of Third. 

They spend much of their time helping shepherd the church, investing in relationships, caring for their boys, and pursuing business ventures & English teaching opportunities.

The Lord has been sweet to bring meaningful relationships with the lost, resulting in Bible studies as well as many deep conversations. It is their prayer that the Lord would bear fruit in belief and in the advent of healthy churches in their city.


The Manleys

Josh and Jenny Manley serve in Ras al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates.  In the spring of 2012, the ruling Sheikh generously granted land for an evangelical church to be built in this developing emirate.  With the granting of this land, it marked only the 8th time in the history of the Arabian Peninsula that land had been given for this purpose.  Given the historic nature of the opportunity as well as its strategic location in the middle of the 10/40 window, the Manleys moved to the UAE in 2012 where Josh planted and is now pastoring the RAK Evangelical Church.  The church center is now built and hosts multiple different language group evangelical congregations weekly.  In addition to pastoring the local church, Josh leads a pastoral internship program for young men from surrounding countries in the region. 

Josh and Jenny were members of Third Avenue from 2009 - 2012, and Josh served the church as an elder.  The Manleys loved their time at Third Avenue and praise God for the evident ways God is at work in and through Third today.

Cory and Adah

Hi Third! We are Cory and Adah. 

We live in a diverse city in the Middle East. We hope to see the good news spread through working in an international church where we disciple church members, train pastoral interns, and follow up with church visitors. We have two young daughters Grace and Molly. Cory serves as senior pastor at the church and Adah serves in the home full time. 

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C and C

C & C serve with Reaching & Teaching (RTIM) and are based in Cyprus.  They joined RTIM in 2016 after 7 years working as 'tent-makers" in the Arabian peninsula, including serving as an elder in our sending church, Grace Fellowship of Doha, Qatar. Their primary work involves local international church strengthening, discipleship, developing women's ministry leaders, and mobilizing qualified workers to the region. They are currently involved in facilitating a church plant in Nicosia and providing pulpit supply, bible training, and women's ministry/discipleship for two international churches in Larnaca and Limassol, Cyprus. They have been members of 3ABC since fall of 2015.


Lauren was a member of Third from 2016-2020 and is now living in Central Asia where she is a member of an international church with a few fellow Third brothers and sisters. She works to befriend and develop relationships with Central Asian women, to proclaim the gospel to those who have never heard, and to disciple new believers.

Her first two years are also very focused on learning the language and the culture of her new home. Her platform work utilizes her linguistic background as she coaches and encourages other cross-cultural workers across the world to learn their new language and culture well so they can more clearly and winsomely declare the good news.

Will you please pray that God will bring many to saving faith and grow the body of Christ in this country?

B and E

B and E joined Third Avenue as singles in 2017 before meeting and getting married in 2020. They are so thankful for their years as members of Third where the Lord grew their love for God's Word and his people.

B and E serve in a city of about 4 million people, working alongside other former Third Avenue members seeking to evangelize and disciple in a local church context. B and E utilize bridges like sports and language to build relationships and invest in others in their community.

Their prayer is that they would see God bring people to himself and that healthy local churches would have deep roots in their city.