Home Groups (HG) are an integral part of church life at Third Avenue. We understand that God’s primary means of growing us in our relationship with him is primarily through his word in the context of his people - the Church. In preparation for leading a HG at Third Avenue, all prospective HG leaders will be given the opportunity to work through a 3 month leadership training. Contact your HG leader for more information.
The Bible tells us that if a man sets his heart on being an elder, he desires a noble task. For many in our congregation, the desire to be an elder is really a desire to spend a lifetime in vocational ministry, whether in missions or as a local church pastor. For others it is a desire to serve this church, Third Avenue, as a lay elder. We understand that part of our responsibility as a church is to train men for leadership in Christ's church, whether here in Louisville or in other places around the world.
From the very beginning, the Bible teaches us that when God gives life to his people, he does so through his Word. Therefore, one of the most important functions of the church is the preaching of the Scriptures. Here at Third Avenue, we want to be serious about training men to go out into the world and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That’s what the Third Avenue Preaching Colloquium is all about.
At Third Avenue, we're convinced that God's Word shapes and orders God's household, the church (1 Tim. 3:15). It extends to us prescriptions, not preferences. Put another way, we aren't free to just do whatever we want, whatever we figure might reach the most people or make the most sense. We must always first ask, “What has God said?” This conviction affects everything—from our preaching and our praying, to our members meetings and our long-term missions and church planting strategies. To learn more about this, we encourage every member to apply for this 15-week seminar and see—whether for the first time or the thousandth time—what the Bible says about the church.
We take multiple trips a year for at least three reasons. First, we want to introduce our members to what the Lord is doing around the world. This always results in a greater appreciation for who God is and what he’s doing among the nations. Second, we are committed to helping our members think about and discern what it could look like to serve globally. Third, we have a desire to serve and support our long-term teams.
We are currently planning two trips in 2023-2024. If you are interested in learning more, let us know!